Toshi Reagon teaser
On the 11/30/19 edition of The Soul Show (WYEP), we’ll do an interview with Toshi Reagon to get you ready for her 12/9 free performance at Pittsburgh Playhouse. She’ll be performing from the Bernice Reagon songbook WITH her mother, the founder of Sweet Honey In The Rock. Bernice retired from SHR fifteen years ago, and retired altogether in 2014, so this is a very big deal.
Here’s a teaser for the upcoming broadcast. We talk about Toshi’s Smithsonian Folkways recordings, and about how her palette extends far beyond. Enjoy.
Prince “Originals”

The 2019 Prince release has 15 tracks, including Jungle Love, Gigolos, and The Glamorous Life. Listen to 3 of them on TSS_WYEP from 2 to 5pm Eastern, then another 3 on at 7pm Eastern/8pm Atlantic. The archives will be available after the broadcasts.