Five years ago, long after Stef Chatman had left TSS, and before George T. became an established WYEP host, the three of us came together to honor Prince. Stef dialed in to the WYEP production room, and George and I recorded a three-way conversation that wove through topics and musical selections. The 4/23/16 presentation was a mix of live broadcast and the pre-produced pieces.
With the intensity of the event, I forgot to initiate the archive recording until 15 minutes in. The original archive posted on Mixcloud has had that gap all of these years, but I’ve now replaced it with a full 3-hour splice of WYEP archive tape and my own. It was time to get this done for the 2021 anniversary of The Purple. It is also poignant
, of course, because it revives memories of Stef’s great energy.