Volunteer hosts fill many of weekend and evening slots at WYEP. – Big Town Blues, Roots & Rhythm, The Soul Show, …
My friend Dave Blaushild started in 1997, hosting his first show on August 12th. He was the man behind The Sunday Mix mic in the early 2000s, then became a versatile sub for many of us in later years. I call him Everyman for his ability to cover a wide range of genres. My favorite memory with Dave is when he co-hosted an all-analog episode of The Soul Show. There was vinyl, cassette, and reel tape all over the on-air studio that day in 2011.
Blaushild debuted a new program in May 2020. To make it happen during limited pandemic access to the station building, he had to build his own voicing and production capabilities at home. “After Hours” is on Wednesdays at 10p Eastern. Congratulations to my buddy. As he says, “Tune in, hang out.”
Killer smile.

How can I get that tee-shirt swag? (As we say in Pittsburgh, “Love the show.”)
Hi, Tom! Thanks. How are you?
soulshowmike.org, and click the “Merchandise” tab. Let me know if you have any difficulties.
best of luck on the radio
“After Hours”??