Vanessa Collier, the blues/funk saxophonist and vocalist
, comes to Ameriserv Flood City Music Festival (outside of Pittsburgh) in July. We planned a quick phone interview for 6/15 , but she was happy to do a Zoom with her and trusted backseat companion. Vanessa parked at a rest stop near the PA border to chat.During a recent episode of The Soul Pod, Flood City organizer Shelley Johannson talked about how festivals are an excellent opportunity for exposure to new fans. It was a good launching point for the Collier interview: what can first-timers expect from her? Later we talked about how her Berklee double degree (Sax + Production) has provided an invaluable skillset. Join me in a few weeks to see and hear the full interview. It’ll be on The Soul Show on WYEP and probably on The Soul Pod podcast.