Black Music Festival, starting 7/13
BMF starts on Thursday. Check out the POC List for more info.
and The Soul Show this week


When I joined The Soul Show team in 2006, roots host/programmer Kate Borger was presenting one of Pittsburgh’s best music shows. Her successor, Jesse Novak, has maintained a high level of excellence in programming over the past 15 or so years (by now, you know which show I’m talking about 🙂 )
Through twists of fate, Kate and I recently landed at WZUM. She now hosts ZUM mainstream jazz programs, along with a specialty one-hour show (Rhythm-a-Ning) that stretches across genres. I continue The Soul Show’s 28-year tradition.
Long story already long: I offered Kate the opportunity to reprise the roots spirit of her original show, using my three-hour TSS slot. After several months of planning, Kate and I announce her Roots hijack of The Soul Show:
Saturday, 8/5, 2-5pm on WZUM. You really don’t wanna miss this. I certainly won’t. Kate’s really, really excited! If you love it, say so and we may do it again.
[TSS will air as usual outside of the Pittsburgh area that day: see the national broadcast schedule.]
[…] Kate Borger’s Roots Special […]