This Saturday, The Soul Show will air two separate episodes: the nationwide weekly episode on stations including WESM, WZUM and WTJX; and a live broadcast at WIUP-FM as part of their 48-hour Vinylthon.
The “Regular” National Episode
[, Saturday 4/20, 2-5p Eastern; other broadcast/stream times here.]
Vinyl Soul, Revisited
[, Saturday 4/20, 6-9p Eastern.]
- Fiona Bloom of The Bloom Effect sent the debut album of Scottish duo Ezy Forey with a lot of excitement. I like it plenty, too – think Hiatus Kaiyote and Moonchild a little bit combined. Michael League and another Snarky Puppy compatriot are involved in the project. We’ll play a couple of tracks.
- Speaking of Snarky, the spinoff Ghost-Note project involving percussionists Sput Searight and Nate Werth has released its third album. The album makes its TSS debut.
- …and then there’s the usual, restless and eclectic mix of music across the decades.

I haven’t produced a TSS outside of Electric Basement Studios since the pandemic’s onset. Also
, it turns out that I haven’t done an all-analog set since Vinyl Soul (2013).It will all start with the BTMGs theme song, from my autographed copy. Thanks, Attic Records.

will the Vinyl Special be placed in the TSS Archives..?
It’s a novel idea fir a music event!