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soulBlog Special: the uncut interview with Preservation Hall Jazz Band’s Ben Jaffe

On 10/26/19, you’ll hear an interview with PHJB’s leader Ben Jaffe on The Soul Show. I generally edit and post-produce ~20 minutes of phone interview down to two or three 2-minute interview segments wrapped around the artist’s music. That will happen as usual, but I decided this time to also present the uncut interview in advance of the broadcast. Ben and I covered a lot of ground

, including the A Tuba to Cuba film and soundtrack; the preceding So It Is album that was influenced by a 2015 trip to the island nation; the musical ground-zeroness of NO; young bass players and their milk crates; his father; and “The Place.” Honestly, you need to hear the whole thing. TSS won’t do it, or him, justice. Enjoy.

The uncut Jaffe phone interview, recorded 10/15/19

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