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Soulshowmike’s Album Picks, revisited

For years , The Soul Show has presented an annual Top Ten Albums episode, which spawned a monthly Pittsburgh City Paper column called Soulshowmike’s Album Picks. Sometimes the article highlighted an obvious choice, but often an obscure gem would be highlighted.

I took a break from it while pursuing other ventures, such as focusing on TSS syndication expansion and producing special content for home station WZUM. Recently, though, I’ve been hearing from listeners and readers that they miss Album Picks. I feel the nudge, so it’s time to resume, at least on a bimonthly schedule. One big change is that I will publish at this website instead of with City Paper. Electric Basement Studios is now the full production home of TSS and SSMAP.

Look for the Top Ten Album Picks article and accompanying broadcast of The Soul Show in December 2023. I am excited to resume.

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