In December of 2019, I recorded a podcast with Sabira Bushra and Fred Logan of Sembène Film Festival. It was the first of three to be produced during this new film season, and it was presented to festival patrons a few weeks later. I think this is an important piece, in that it tells the history and aspirations of the founders in a 12-minute synopsis. With the recent passing of Sabira, it is especially poignant. Listen, respect.
The Podcast is a great Reminder of Sabira Bushra’s unapologetic attempt to awaken the masses, and have them stay woke on topics critical to their survival BY SCREENING FILMS
✊?the Struggle Continues♥️???
I just found this post in 2025. I remember Sabira well. ( May she rest in Love). I would go to see all the films. I lnve the work of Sembene. Kudos to Fred Logan and Sabira Bushra